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时间:2022-10-30 15:20:03 来源:网友投稿

如何当好班主任4篇如何当好班主任 如何当好一个重点班的班主任-班主任工作经验(Howtobeagoodteacherinakeyclass-theexperienceo下面是小编为大家整理的如何当好班主任4篇,供大家参考。



当好一个重点班的班主任-班主任工作经验(How to be a good teacher in a key class - the experience of teacher in charge of class)

 如何当好一个重点班的班主任-班主任工作经验(How to be a good teacher in a key class - the experience of teacher in charge of class)

 How to be a good teacher in a key class?


 Editor"s signature: with potential students to take honors more difficult. Without a solid foundation of knowledge, superb teaching art is not good to teach experimental class, and to do a good job in the experimental class of the teacher in charge of the class, but also more in need of love and wisdom.

 From grade two, I began to receive the job of head teacher in this class. Two years with the students, and classroom teachers who stand together through storm and stress, and finally make a satisfactory answer to the school and parents. If I have a small achievement in the class teacher, it is because I grasp the whole, teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

 First, grasp the whole

 I think the work is a system engineering composed of students, parents, teachers and other factors, to do things complicated, fragmented, a multitude of things. Although the students in the experimental class of high quality, the daily work is relatively small, but their active thinking, have their own ideas, individual consciousness is strong, it is difficult to accept the views of others, ideological work is relatively complicated; their love of learning, a good foundation, but the

 students lofty goals and parents" expectations, leading to psychological pressure; they have strong ability to accept, reaction soon, a wide range of knowledge. The teacher"s request is correspondingly high. In order to solve the above problems, the teacher must grasp the good relationship between students, teachers and parents of the three as a whole, a planned strategy to help deal with life goals, learning attitude, learning methods and learning problems of students.

 Overall planning for work in 1 and two years

 In the past two years, the main line of my work is planned to do the following four things: a good talk, a good meeting, a good activity, set a goal.

 Have a good talk

 Conversation is the basic method of the work of the teacher in charge of the class, and the number of conversations with each student is not less than 1 to 2 times a semester, but I think the first talk with the students is the most important. I each pick a class, including every thing with two or three weeks to conduct a more comprehensive communication with each student: to understand students" ideological consciousness, life attitude, learning, discipline, family situation, and then put forward my request and suggestion to them according to the situation of students the students, with particular emphasis on the "three love" love home, love school, love the motherland; education of the students "three return" return to relatives, teachers return and return to society, make them clear about the relationship and development of the university examination,

 strictly abide by the discipline and understand the relationship between learning, and their learning methods such as basic guidance. Through the first conversation, between teachers and students to enhance mutual understanding, so that students clear their own goals in life. After the conversation, I was targeted, on the study, life problems phased. There is a student, senior one is a naughty child, the results in the class is located in the middle and lower levels, learning is not grasping, discipline is weak. Enter high school, he gave himself orientation test North China University of Technology, parents only asked him to undergraduate. I when he after class, starting from the daily habits, through repeated communication between discipline and style and the ideal future with him, he studied in the analysis of advantages and disadvantages, help him to make a short-term goal of learning, many times with his parents, for the education objectives. He made rapid progress, determined to test the Architectural Department of Tsinghua University, and finally scored 677 points.

 Have a meeting

 What I"m talking about here is a good meeting, which means a good parents" meeting to get the parents" understanding and support, so that the education of school and family, teachers and parents can be unified. The parents of the experimental class are heroic parents, whose children are excellent in primary and junior high schools, and most of them are the first in the school. So some parents think their children good grades, and ignore the ideological education and life discipline; some parents think that children can enter the experimental class, test a Tsinghua University Beijing easy, so only ask the child

 to the top of the class and give children too much pressure; some parents think that children in the class of dozens of a test, have no requirement for the University, he is allowed to develop; some parents because of family poverty, the basic needs of their children"s learning life is difficult to guarantee and so on. So, I took the experimental class second thing: school for more than a month after the opening of a parents" meeting, at the meeting, I will state of mind and learning for every student to make a more objective reporting and analysis, and put forward the education methods and measures of different teachers and parents should take for every student, also ask parents to actively support and cooperation in class work. The headmaster said, "I participated in many classes of parents" meetings. Like this, proofreading students can make a thorough analysis of them one by one, and they have never been in place.".

 Do a good job

 Proper extracurricular activities are the stimulants for students, so organizing students to carry out some thematic activities is essential in the work of a class teacher.

 But the activities must be carried out according to the characteristics of the students, I took this class after class, found that the vast majority of students from rural areas, poor family, study hard, but a bit conceited, lack of vitality and knowledge, it is hard to carry out class activities. I request second senior school and the Central South University admissions office contact, lead the students to visit the campus of Central South University, Key Laboratory of Central

 South University experts and please explain the scene, and then visit the window of the world, let the students to broaden their horizons and increase interest. Central South University trip, students are encouraged, especially in several national key laboratory experts to communicate with them, so that they feel the spirit of science and knowledge of power, inspired by their enthusiasm to study hard.

 Set a goal

 Navigation without the navigation mark is impossible to reach the other side of the ocean. If students do not have the goal for it, they can not achieve the brilliant learning. How to help students determine a scientific and reasonable goal, and guide and encourage them to strive to achieve, is the core of the work of the teacher in charge of the class. I took fourth things after class is through the exam several times a semester of sophomore years in the college entrance examination and admission scores, guide students to rationally determine their ideal universities according to their own strength, and then posted as their learning goals.

 2, grasp the students and teachers as a whole, and create a good teacher-student relationship

 Kiss your teacher and trust his word. Any of a class of me can hear the teacher said that the words "of the students in this class are too cute." in the work of the teacher, I attach great importance to deal with the relationship between students and teachers, although the new relationship between teachers and students of modern education is the relationship between

 friends, but I still respect the teacher education students the understanding of teachers" labor, in the work of the difficulties and shortcomings and so on. When communicating with the classroom teachers, I try to give the teachers feedback on the students" affirmation and gratitude for the work of the teachers, and gently put forward the students" suggestions so that the teachers feel gratified by the success of their education. In this way, standing in the General Administration of the overall construction of the class to deal with the problem, so that the love between teachers and students in exchange and interaction in the continuous fission, resulting in a miracle of education. The students in the experimental class are often very tall, they are growing up in the care of the next, it is difficult to understand the teacher"s good intentions, it is difficult to accept advice and criticism. A student, this four friends of a night study, ran to my office, to me: "teacher, my language later, do it yourself, at least the composition does not want the teacher to read.". I asked him why He said: "the teacher has a bias against me. He has given me more than 30 marks for his compositions in a row. And he took my composition as a negative material in the class. I don"t think I can do it."! I need to calm him down, and he analyzes the reason: one is the teacher to your high expectations, you really understand, the two is the teacher carefully read and analyze your composition, so we can find your shortcomings, you are one of the students in class three is good, take your article for a typical analysis to education for other students, so as to improve the understanding of the class, fourth teachers participated in the college entrance examination, the composition of the college entrance examination is very sure, fifth teachers work hard, do not we students do not respect the

 teacher"s labor. Through a night study exchange, he understood, and then, the student"s composition can do according to the teacher"s request, the entrance examination language gets 123 high marks. Just imagine, if I did not help him out of this misunderstanding, let him study with resentment, do not say that the language is not good, other subjects will be greatly affected. What is more serious is that his m...


做好班主任 机电科:

 徐建成 一、 合格的班主任必须要有奉献精神

  班主任工作很辛苦, 压力很大。

 正常上班工作是 8 小时制, 而班主任工作是24 小时制, 多数班主任不论白天晚上, 心里时刻都装着全班同学, 总是担心班级学生会不会发生什么事情。

 一个班级几十号人, 大事小事有可能随时发生, 确实要花不少精力。

 要真正成为一个合格的班主任, 没有奉献精神是肯定不行的。

 二、 合格的班主任必须具备热心

  1、 对班主任工作要有热心。

 首先要热爱班主任工作, 要把班主任工作当作自己事业的一个重要部分, 这样才会用心去投入, 用心去学习, 用心去探索, 用心去工作。

 2、 对班级管理工作要有高度的责任心。

 没有高度的责任心是不会用主要精力去学习、 去探索、 去工作的, 那么工作效果肯定不会好。

 3、 对班主任工作要有信心。

 要有信心去学习, 去探索, 去实践, 去积累经验,班级工作才能取得好的成效。

 4、 对学生要有爱心和同情心。

 学生远离父母和亲友来到了学校, 在学习、 生活中, 接触最多的是班主任老师。

 学生来到学校, 班主任即代替了他们的父母角色, 他们希望得到老师们的关爱。

 班主任负有教会学生学习、 教会学生做人、 教会学生做事的重任。

 在这个过程中, 班主任对学生要有爱心和同情心, 多去关心爱护学生, 多去和学生交往、 交流、 交朋友, 关心他们的学习、 生活, 使学生在班主任的面前敢于说话, 愿意说出他想要说的话, 这样才能知道他在想什么, 才能有针对性地与他谈心, 做他的思想工作。特别是对那些学习差、纪律差的学生,更应该去关心他, 鼓励他, 帮助他, 这样他才会在心里面感激你并用实际行动来报答你, 班级管理工作才会顺利。

  三、 做好班级工作的方式方法

  1、 把班风建设、 学风建设作为工作重点 (1)

 建立得力的班委, 发挥班干的作用。

 新生入学后, 要尽快组建临时班委。要多注意了解学生入学初期的表现, 有目的地分配给学生的一些工作任务并注意观察他们的组织能力和工作能力、 工作任务的完成情况、 学生工作的主动性和积极性情况, 然后由班主任提名组建临时班委。

 临时班委一般为两到三周, 在这期间, 班主任要特别注意对临时班干的培养, 指导他们去做每一件事, 并大胆放手让他们去做, 遇到问题时与他们商量解决, 使他们的组织能力、 工作能力不断得到锻炼和提高, 为正式班委的组建打下良好基础。

 在组建班委时, 一是班主任做动员工作, 重点讲班干工作的重要性和班干工作是自我锻炼的最好方式; 二是要求学生自我推荐, 采用竞聘演讲的方式; 三是由同学提名推荐; 四是班主任提名推荐; 最后进行投票选举。

 实践证明, 这样选举出来的班干, 他们的思想素质、文化素质、 组织能力、 工作能力都比较高, 是班主任的得力助手。



 学生从初中进入中职学校是一个转折, 学校的管理模式有很大的不同。

 为了使学生尽快了解和适应学校管理, 除学校统一安排新生入学教育外, 还应在新生入学后一个月内充分利用每周的班会课时间组织学生学习, 学习讨论学校的各项管理制度, 重点学习学生违纪处分条例, 使学生充分了解学校的各项管

 理制度以减少违纪现象的发生, 促使学生在校期间顺利的完成学业


 注重学生的思想教育, 在班级中形成良好的风气。

 由于生源的文化素质、思想素质不一样, 有的学生求知欲不高, 表现有厌学情绪, 上课不认真听讲, 迟到、 早退、 旷课, 上课睡觉的现象较为严重, 有少部分学生甚至有扰乱课堂秩序的现象。

 针对以上问题, 应注重学生的思想教育, 以班风、 学风等各方面做得较好的班级来教育学生搞好学习, 并把在校学习与毕业后就业结合起来教育学生,激发学生的学习积极性, 使他们端正学习态度, 明确学习目的, 在班级中形成良好的学习风气。


 在班主任工作中, 班主任要特别注意自己的言行举止, 做学生的表率。

 凡事要注意坚持原则, 对原则问题不能让步, 如学生做错了事, 违反了 校规校纪,该批评的就要批评; 对那些屡教不改的, 该处理的就要处理。

 否则, 班级管理工作难度更大。


 在遵循学校规章制度的前提下, 要根据班级的具体工作, 制定班规班纪和奖惩制度, 由全班同学讨论达成共识后执行, 以培养好的团队精神和良好的班风。



 每个学生都有自己的个性, 有一些开朗, 有一些内向。

 在做学生的思想工作或者批评教育时, 要注意学生的个性特点, 注意采取不同的方式, 耐心细致地做思想工作, 这样才能取得良好的效果。



 班会是班主任与学生交往交流、 沟通的主要平台, 精心策划好每次班会课是班会课取得良好效果的首要条件。



 在学校举行的各种文娱、 体育活动前做好动员工作。

 学校每学期都有全校性的文娱、 体育等竞赛活动, 在每次的竞赛活动之前, 都应利用班会课时间做好动员工作, 阐述同学们参与活动的重要意义, 引导他们参与, 并鼓励同学们在各项竞赛活动中取得好的成绩, 为班集体争光。


 为了更好地培养学生的劳动观念,班主任应在每个劳动周之前利用班会课认真做好动员工作, 使学生认识到劳动周的意义, 完成劳动周的各项工作任务。

 在校内、 校外实习前做好动员工作。

 实习是实践的一个重要方面, 是学生把理论运用到实践之中去的一个过程, 是锻炼学生动手能力的手段。

 实习成绩合格与否, 直接关系到学生能否毕业。

 所以班主任应在每次的实习前做好动员工作, 使学生从思想上重视实习工作并在实习课中努力完成实习任务。


 2、 加强班级团队精神教育

  班级同学来自各地, 新生入学后最明显的问题是互不相识, 班级同学之间的交往不够多, 有些同学很活泼, 表现欲望强, 个性也很强, 但他们往往缺乏团队精神; 城区、 乡 镇、 农村的学生以居住地分成群体, 各居住的宿舍又形成若干个小群体。

 大家缺乏交往沟通, 班集体的凝聚力较差。

 所以班主任应多深入班级与学生谈心, 了解他们的思想动态, 针对学生中存在的问题进行思想教育, 并通过开展班级活动, 给同学之间的交往、 沟通创造平台, 使班级的团队精神尽快形成。只有班级团队精神形成了, 班级的各项工作开展就顺利了。

 班主任的工作直接关系到班级同学在学习、 纪律、 思想品德等各方面良好习惯的形成, 班主任工作的方式方法讲究了, 学生受教育时就会感到心情舒畅, 有利于学生的全面发展, 班级工作也会取得良好的效果。



  在十多年的班主任工作中, 要当好班主任, 要搞好班级管理,深深地体会到班级管理需要快乐点, 轻松点, 效率高点, 一靠民主,二靠科学。


 普通学生能做的班委不做; 班委能做的班长不做; 班长能做的班主任不做。

 ”这样分工到位, 责任到人, 各司其职, 这样做的目的就是要锻炼学生的管理能力, 人人都参与管理工作。

 关于管理班级民主化, 我主要是借鉴《魏书生班级管理的四点经验》 :

 一是树立为学生服务的思想, 为学生提供不同层次的服务,老师要和学生互相和谐; 二是建立互助的关系, 老师帮助学生学会学习学生帮助老师学会教书, 学会管理班级, 坚信, 每位学生的心灵深处都有你得力助手, 你也是每个学生的助手; 三是发展学生的人性和个性, 人都有向善、 向美、 向真的一面, 人格上尊重, 情感上感化, 生活上关心, 善待学生就是善待自己; 决策过程要民主。

 我在平时班主任工作时刻提醒自己为学生服务, 并根据学生的能力, 年龄以及起点, 给予全方位的服务。

 作为老师, 作为班主任,我应锻练学生各方面的能力, 充分展示学生各方面的天赋, 把学生当成真正的小主人, 让他们从小事做起, 充分发展自主自立的能力。

 平时的教学中, 我只注重教学成绩, 忽视了各方面的能力, 对学习差的孩子, 应从自身的接受能力考虑, 平时注意提高他们的注意力、 记忆力、 接受力, 并发展与社会的交往的能力, 充分发展学生的个性, 培 养孩子的自信心。

 每个人都有美好的品德, 都有美的要求, 做为老师更应做正确的引导, 让他们认识社会、 感受生活, 让他们成为勇于承担, 快乐成长的天使, 这也是我工作的目标。

 《魏书生班级管理》 是人文化, 学生的学习生活都变得井井有条, 能力也得到了培养。

 学着他的样儿, 回到班级我也把班级内的事务划细, 学生自主报名参与管理。


 有管理学习的, 有管理生活的, 有管理卫生的, 一个星期天下来, 我便发现:


 但学生的自制力差, 还需要别人来督促, 现在一下子放手让他管事务, 还有些不适应, 这需要一个过程。

 不行,两三天坚持住了, 五天不到, 方法就得改。

 班级内的事务都是老师在说, 太累了, 班级的笤帚倒了都没人扶。

 为了减轻自己的负担,提高学习成绩, 培养学生的管理能力, 我决定, 先培养班长及其他班级干部。

 我把权力下放, 班长可充当班主任, 我不在时, 他就是班级的管理者。

 班级有什么事不妥, 我直接找他, 他再找专项负责人, 如卫生方面找负责卫生员, 纪律方面找纪律委员……

 计划刚开始实施, 定的制度不要太多, 任务逐渐增加, 给学生承受的过程。

 遇到班里的问题就及时召开全体班里成员集体讨论寻找解决的办法, 经过一段时间的实践, 班级事务被班长及班干部管理的井井有条。

 管理班级学问确实太大了, 我今后还要不断学习, 向魏书生老师学习, 取别人之长, 补自己之短。

























推荐访问:如何当好班主任 班主任 当好
