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时间:2023-02-16 17:35:05 来源:网友投稿

托福写作名人素材1  1.阿基米德(Archimedes)  Greekmathematician,engineer,andphysicist.Amongthemostimportantintell下面是小编为大家整理的托福写作名人素材,供大家参考。



  1. 阿基米德(Archimedes)

  Greek mathematician, engineer, and physicist. Among the most important intellectual figures of antiquity, he discovered formulas for the area and volume of various geometric figures, applied geometry to hydrostatics and mechanics, devised numerous ingenious mechanisms, such as the Archimedean screw, and discovered the principle of buoyancy.




  2. 荷马(Homer)

  Greek epic poet. Two of the greatest works in Western literature, the Iliad and the Odyssey, are attributed to him.

  参考事迹: 菏马史诗的`写作,不是由一个人一朝一夕所完成,而是在漫长的岁月里,由最初口头流传的民间歌谣,经过累世行吟诗人的加工,才逐步形成的一种环绕中心事件的叙事诗。在长期的流传中,经过不断增删,修饰,到公元前九到前八世纪左右,才由盲人诗人菏马整理定型。

  利用点:The people who make important contributions to society are generally not those who develop their own new ideas, but those who are most gifted at perceiving and coordinating the talents and skills of others."

  3. 亚里士多德(Aristotle)

  Greek philosopher. A pupil of Plato, the tutor of Alexander the Great, and the author of works on logic, metaphysics, ethics, natural sciences, politics, and poetics, he profoundly influenced Western thought. In his philosophical system theory follows empirical observation and logic, based on the syllogism, is the essential method of rational inquiry.

  参考事迹: 学术集大成者,通才和专家集一身的著名学者,柏拉图的学生,亚历山大大帝的教师,他的著述论及逻辑学,形而上学,伦理学,自然科学(物理学,动物学,植物学,生理学,医学),政治学和诗学,对西方思想产生了深远影响,在其哲学体系里,理论服从实地观察和逻辑,以三段论为基础,基本上是理性研究的理论方法,被称为"百科全书式的学者".


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